(Plus, you should always read your WeeklyWire because it gives you a chance to win cool things! Big shout out to the 55 WeeklyWire readers who located our Roxy Tickets drawing entry link in last week's issue. Students who do not read official notices sent in email are not excused from responsibility for email contents. Students are expected to check their Larner College of Medicine e-mail accounts daily and maintain their account so that they remain functional (e.g., not allowing their mailboxes to exceed the quota, not forwarding it to a third party account, etc.). College of Medicine at The University of Vermont.

This includes people who are registered for biometrics (finger scan). If you have not yet been issued your NEW CATCard, you will need to obtain it by Friday, March 10 in order to continue accessing Campus Recreation facilities.

UVM Campus Recreation - Old CATcards Deactivated: Accounts connected to Old CATCards are being deactivated.Notary Services are available: Jamie Wimble in Admissions, and Colleen Case and Emma Faustner, in OMSE are Notaries Public and will be happy to assist you.WEEKLY FYIs FROM OMSE - WE ARE HERE TO HELP!